The Ways How to Clean Car Battery Terminals

The Ways How to Clean Car Battery Terminals

Cleaning car battery terminals is a task that should not be done every day. However, when the time comes, there are certain steps one needs to take to ensure that the job will be done right. The first thing you’ll need for this task is an appropriately sized wrench and some baking soda. When working with the terminal, wear rubber gloves so that you don’t get acid on your hands or clothes. Also, never clean the terminal while it’s connected to a power supply because this can cause an electric charge which could cause serious injury!

Process How to Clean Car Battery Terminals

There are a few steps which must be taken when attempting to clean the terminals. First, you need to remove the cable while wearing rubber gloves and have a baking soda handy. Then, remove any corrosion that has built up over time using a wire brush. Once it is completely clean, make sure that you use baking soda with water on it to neutralize any acid left on the metal before replacing the cable. Be sure also not to touch or place your hands anywhere near the terminals while they’re connected to power supply because this can cause an electric charge which could lead to serious injury!

What you need?

What you need

I would need a wrench, baking soda, and rubber gloves.

1) Put baking soda on the terminals and allow it to sit for around 30 minutes.

2) Spray the terminals with vinegar and let it sit for another 10-15 minutes

3) Use the wrench to loosen and clean the terminal bolts. These are usually the bigger bolts that connect to the battery posts

4) Repeat steps 1-3 on all of your car’s batteries

Why it’s important

A clean battery terminal ensures that the connection to the battery is unimpeded and also prevents corrosion. Cleaning car battery terminals is a task that should not be done every day. However, when the time comes, there are certain steps one needs to take to ensure that the job will be done right. The first thing you’ll need for this task is an appropriately sized wrench and some baking soda. When working with the terminal, wear rubber gloves so that you don’t get acid on your hands or clothes.

Steps to take

1. Unscrew the nut at the top of the terminal with a wrench.

2. Clean off any deposits from the top of the battery post with baking soda and a brush.

3. Put on rubber gloves, wipe off excess, and then coat the post with baking soda to prevent corrosion while you’re not using your car (leave it connected to power).

4. Brush off any excess baking soda on the battery and put on the terminal nut.

Final thoughts and tips for success:

Never clean the terminal while it’s connected to a power supply because this can cause an electric charge which could result in serious injury! Also keep the car off when cleaning so no power goes throw it while cleaning.