There is no such problem that does not have a proper solution. We have known that duplicate keys can be made from the keys. But if you lost the keys and did not have another key, how will you get the duplicate key for your lock?
When you are ready to go to your office and reach your car, you have lost the key to your car lock.
Your lock is perfect, and you do not want to replace that lock. What will be an option for you? No need to worry, It is a minor problem, and 24 hour locksmith Jacksonville FL can make keys to your lock.
Read our article How to make a key from a lock of a car lost key we will share details about how a locksmith can make a key for your car lock?
How to make a key from a lock of a car lost key?
There are some methods that a locksmith used to make a key from the lock of a car lost key; please read them carefully.
First Method:
The first method is to crack the code of the lock. It means to understand the pins in the lock that make the code of your car lock.
For that purpose, you need to disassemble the lock, and then a locksmith will be able to crack the code of the lock. It will help him make a key for your car lock.
While you disassemble and assemble the lock again, it will take more time, but it will be easy for the locksmith to make a perfect key for your car lock.
Second Method:
The second method is known as making the impression of the locks, and it requires a skilled professional locksmith. What will he do? He will insert a blank key in the lock and turn it; when he puts force, there will leave some marks on the lock inside pins’ blank key.
He will make some pins on the key and will enter it again and note the new marks and make them. For this method, a locksmith needs to enter and make the pins on crucial again and again. After many repetitions, duplicate keys will make.
It doesn’t look easy, but the good thing about impression-making is that you do not need to disassemble the lock.
But there is a problem; a key made by this method irritates and creates a problem at the start. You need to put more force into turning them in the starting days.
Final Thoughts:
You have gone through our article on Making a key from a lock of a car lost key where we have shared two methods that a locksmith used to make a key for your car lock.
If you love your perfect lock and do not want to replace that lock, then you should go with these methods and try a duplicate key for your car lock. It will not save your old lock but also save you money.